Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week of Firsts...

So in the last few days we have had some "firsts" so I thought I would share those with y'all...

Our first, first was this delicious pork roast. Now I am sure you are thinking, "But, I know you have had pork roast before" and you would be correct. Many, many times actually.

But this pork roast is Taylor's new favorite meal and was have purchased 3 of these 1.5 lb roasts in the last week because Taylor claims we will be having 1 every week! Haha :)

So, you could say that we had our first pork roast out of 52 for the year! I know it sounds crazy, but I think we really could eat this meal once a week and not get tired out it. I love that you can just put the roast in the crock pot in the morning with a little water and it's done when you get home!

Speaking out crock pot, our next first was Tortilla Soup, which was the first of 4 crock pot dinners I made this week! Ha. I have always love cooking in a crock pot but it wasn't until we got back from Walmart last Saturday that I realized I purchased items for 4 crock pot meals! But I'm not complaining, because dinner was ready for us every night when we got home, which is AWESOME! These are all the items you need to make the tortilla soup recipe I made and you just put it all in the crock pot then set it on low for 6-8 hours.We put the soup over tortilla chips and sprinkled it with a little cheese. Thank you Roxy for a wonderful recipe :)

1 can of corn (drained), 1 can of Rotel, Large can of chicken, Taco seasoning, 1 can of Kidney beans, Small can of diced green chiles, 1 can stewed tomatoes, 1 packet of ranch mix, 1 can of chicken broth

Our next first would not have happened if it was up to me, but Taylor is really stubborn and forced me to do it! Ha. Let me first state that the high in C-U today was in the low 30s and there is snow all over the place and you know what Taylor wanted to do? Go run OUTSIDE! We are currently training for a half marathon that we are running in April and Taylor is so tired of running on treadmills.

So we got all bundled up and headed outside. And I have to admit, though I will probably regret it, it was actually really nice to run outside. The cold didn't bother me at all and it was nice to run and not stare at a white wall the whole time!

And finally, we went to my first company party this evening. It ended up being better than we had anticipated and we won one of the centerpieces they had on the tables. We were hoping to win the iPad they were giving away, but sadly our name wasn't called :(

At the party, they announced the Employee of the Year award as well as the Publisher's Choice Award, which is where our CEO hand picks an employee he feels as contributed the most to the company. It was very encouraging to see our Executive's talk so highly and personally about employees and I was reminded of how lucky I am to work for such a great company. Sometimes I get really overwhelmed about my job and have a lot of doubts about whether I will ever be successful in my position. But it's nice to know that I work for company that really cares about its employees and have a boss that is so understanding.

Hope you have had a great weekend!

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