Saturday, August 25, 2012

Glacier National Park 2012

The week before last, Taylor and I spent the week at Glacier National Park in Montana with all of his family (including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins!). There were about 30 of us all together and it was so much fun! We forgot to take our camera (I know, how is that possible on vacation?), so I just used my phone and didn't always have it with me. Everyone else in the family took tons of photos though so I 'm just planning on getting a CD copy for them :) Here are a few photos I had on my phone...

Ready to head to Kalispell! 

Outside the main house. Here is a link to where we stayed!

View at the end of our first hike!

We went to Canada one day and went canoeing on Lake Cameron.

 We saw bears!
 This one was right outside our car!

Start of the Highline Trail we did one day. It's 12 miles total and you are basically walking along the edge of the mountains!

 Walking right along the edge...

We stopped for lunch and this was the view.

After 12 miles completed!

 Julia and Taylor went fishing one day!

 There were 2 grizzly bears in that valley! I was happy to be that far away.

 Pretty lake view along the Road to the Sun Road.

 The road up the mountain was one way at one point so you had to stop and wait for the on coming traffic to clear.

 More traffic but just more time to enjoy the views...

Funny group photo!

We had such a great time! I would highly encourge everyone to visit this part of the country at some point. It is absolutely beautiful everywhere you look! Have a great weekend :)