We started thinking a couple months ago about what we wanted to do to celebrate our 1 year and of course Taylor's only requirement was that it included playing a nice golf course. Who would have guessed? :) We knew that we wouldn't be able to do a long trip with his school and my lack of vacation time, so we decided to check out Indianapolis. Neither of us had ever been there and it's only about 2 hours away, which is closer than Chicago!
We decided that we would just drive over on Saturday morning, play a round of golf and then spend Saturday evening and Sunday exploring Indy. We left about 7:30 Saturday morning and had plans to stop for an hour or so and have a nice breakfast before teeing off. That would give us 3o minutes or so to hit the range and put before starting. Well, about an hour or so after left, I noticed that my phone had changed and it wasn't 8:30 anymore but it was 9:30! Ha. We had completely forgot to take into account the time change.
So we nixed stopping for breakfast and drove through McDonalds! Ha. I know, we go classy on our 1 year :)

After our fancy breakfast, we made it to the course with about 20 minutes to spare. We had been afraid that it would rain during our round the entire week before. Even as we pulled into the parking lot, I thought at any moment it could just start pouring! But, it never did. The round turned out to be perfect since it was cloudy and cool outside. We played at the Golf Club of Indiana and really enjoyed the course. We both played very well and I actually shot my lowest score EVER!
After the round, we headed to our hotel to check-in and get ready for dinner. Taylor booked all the reservations so I had no idea what to expect, but we stayed at the Staybridge Suites (right outside of Indy) and it was wonderful! Our room was clean and the whole building was less than 5 years old so everything felt very new. They had this awesome outdoor patio area with tables, a HUGE fireplace and a couple nice grills that the guests could use. Even though we had dinner plans, I think Taylor was very tempted to just go buy some steaks and grill them ourselves!
We had decided to eat at this little Italian restaurant in downtown Indy that we had read really good reviews about. I joked with Taylor as we were walking in that it would be funny if they had reservations and were booked up that night! Well, what do you know? We walked in and the girl gave us a funny look and said they were completely booked until 9:15. She said the only open table was a tall one over in the bar area, so we took it!
Now, I wish I could tell you that we had a romantic Italian meal for our 1st anniversary, but sadly that wasn't the case. We sat down to eat around 6:30 and were out of there by 7! Ha. Here is why...
This is a picture of our plates! I ordered Chicken Parm and Taylor ordered a spicy Chicken pasta. Pretty normal selections right?

Here is a picture of our food about 5 minute after taking the first bite (and Taylor's impression of the food!)...

And then here it is about 5 minutes after that (please excuse the nasty trash can!)...

Hahahaha! If you haven't already guess, this was the WORST Italian food we had EVER had! I have no idea who was rating this place and what their taste buds are like, but I will never be going there again. The chicken was chewy and Taylor couldn't even eat his pasta because it was burning his mouth. We could not believe that the restaurant was booked for the night! Those people have obviously never had good Italian! Ha.
So, after "dinner", we headed to the movie theater in downtown to see "Bridesmaids", which was pretty funny. I usually don't like movies like that, but Kristen Wiig was hilarious! We did get a bucket of popcorn and a Sprite to share during the movie, since we were bother still very hungry. After the movie, we headed back to the room, still starving! So guess where we stopped?

Arby's! So on our 1 year anniversary our dining selections consisted of: McDonald's, no lunch since we were on the course, AWFUL Italian, movie popcorn, and Abry's! Haha. So romantic, I know!
On Sunday, we slept in and had breakfast at the hotel before checking out. We didn't really have much planned that day, except to check out Circle Centre, which is this really cool mall in downtown Indy. The night before we had driven down a street called Meridian to get back to the hotel, and it had about a 4 mile stretch of the largest homes I have ever seen! We decided to driven back down it on Sunday morning, since it leads right into downtown. Here is a picture of 1 or 3 HUGE and beautiful churches we saw on Meridian. This picture does not do justice to how large and ornate the building was.

After making it to the mall and shopping a little, we decided to stop and eat lunch. There was a PF Chang's close and Taylor said he was only going to eat at a place he knew he could get something good. Ha. So for the first time on the trip, we had a delicious meal! After lunch I think Taylor was a little tired of the mall (surprise, surprise!), so we decided to drive over to the Indy 500 track and look at it. Neither one of us are into racing, but the track is pretty cool. It's huge and you know what Taylor's favorite part was? They are a golf course called Brickyard Crossing that has four of it's holes INSIDE the track! How cool??!! We have decided that sometime in the future we are going to drive over and play and watch some of the time trials. I've heard if you don't like racing, you will still think the time trials are cool because the drivers are just trying to go as fast as they can!
After checking out the track, we decided to head back to C-U. We stopped to eat at a place called The Beef House, which is supposed to be the best steakhouse in our area. It was very delicious and we will have to take y'all there when you come visit. So even though our Saturday food selections were terrible, Sunday made up for it! Well, overall we had a great weekend in Indy and had fun celebrating our 1st year of marriage! We will definitely be going back in the future.
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