Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Good Day

So today has been a good day! Taylor tried out his new irons, I took a pre-employment test for a potential job, got positive feedback on another potential job, and will be having lunch tomorrow with a guy from Kraft to discuss some more job possibilites. Your prayers are being seen, so thank you all for your prayers!

So a few weeks ago Taylor told me that he wanted to buy me new irons for my birthday, so he started looking on eBay, Craig's list, etc. In the process, he came across a set of clubs that he has wanted for a long time and for a price that we just couldn't pass up! He cleaned his old irons and has promised me that they will sell! So we will see :)

Needless to say, he has been a very happy boy for the last few days! ha. We decided to head out to the driving range this afternoon so he could try the new irons out. It was soooo hot! We were out there for no more than 20 minutes and were sweating like crazy. I don't even want to imagine how hot it was in OK or AR if it was that hot here!

Dinner tonight was great! We made grilled hamburgers and homemade french fries which now means that our apartment will smell like vegetable oil for a week but oh well, it was delicious! We also hung up our curtains in the guest bedroom/Taylor's office. I wanted to show you guys what the room looks like now, and since it is all set up, now you MUST come visit!

Ok, we're going to watch a movie now, as usual :) We love you all!


  1. The room looks great! I especially like the picture over the bed. Jamie, didn't you win that for longest drive in a golf tournament recently? :)

    Love y'all!

  2. That’s what I thought that was; Jamie’s longest drive plaque. The room looks good and the curtains look like they are hung up real nice.

  3. Love the bed spread and curtains... Although, I must say your longest drive award is the best. Taylor can admire it when he is studying - ha! Love you both!!
