A couple weekends ago Taylor was in St. Louis spending time with all his college friends, so I was home alone. He had a really great time and went to a Cardinals game, played darts, ate out at some great places, and went to Six Flags! That means I had the house to myself and could do whatever I wanted (not that I don't already!), and you know what I did? Nothing, and it was wonderful. With my class I had something to do everyday, so it was nice to sleep in, not have an essay to write or article to read, and just be able to relax. My life is really not that stressful, but sometimes it's nice to be lazy and not feel guilty about it. As the weekend went on I realized that my life without Taylor would probably look a lot different. Ha!
It would have a lot more of these...
I would watch a lot more of this (Confession: I could watch Friends everyday, all day)...
And I would spend a lot more time doing this! Ha.
But I kind of like having him around so I think the trade off is worth it :) I also made the big leap and got an IL license. My OK one was about to expire and I was supposed to get an IL one about 2 years ago (oops!) so I figured now was the time. Truthfully, I was a little bummed. Now I can vote and be on a jury in IL which means I'm basically a resident... ok, I am a resident. I did have to take a test to receive the IL license which had been making me nervous the previous week, but I passed and feel kind of silly now for how easy the test was. Oh well! Next, I'll update about our recent visit to OK/AR for a week :)
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