Since it was so last minute needing a hotel reservation we were able to get a really good deal on a hotel right in Downtown Indy.
We arrived about 12am (Indy time) and noticed all these (like 75+) really nice GMC cars on our parking level. Taylor looked in one of them and noticed they were the official cars for the NFL. That was pretty cool! I had not even thought about the Super Bowl being next weekend in Indy, but we were soon reminded.
This was one of the multiple HUGE signs they had in downtown. And you can't tell from this picture but they had a really high zip line that you go on. We thought about doing it, but then saw the line, and changed out minds! Since we had pretty much explored all we wanted to in downtown and had checked out the mall, we decided to head to an area of Indy called Merdian Hills since they had the closest Old Navy and I wanted to use our Groupon that was expiring that day. We had never been to this area of Indy but it was so cool! They had all the great shopping stores that downtown does (including Nordstrom rack which I love and where we went during the 1 hour and 45 minute wait for dinner!), really nice restaurants, and is a beautiful area of town that funny enough is where all the golf courses are that Taylor has been wanting to play since last year! Ha. I think from now on, we will be staying there when we come to Indy!
We ended up seeing The Grey with Liam Nieson which was... intense. That's about all I can say about that. After the movie we decided to head to dinner. They had a ton of restuarnts in the area and we settled on Maggianos Little Italy.
(Stolen from the Internet because I forgot to take a picture!)
We use the restaurant a lot for work receptions but I had never been before since there aren't any close to us. It was awesome! They give you so much food and their cheesecake was incredible. I might even say it was the best cheesecake I've ever had! They have this cool deal where when you purchase a Classic Pasta (which is anything you would normally order at an Italian restaurant) you get a second order to take home for free! So next time you are near a Maggiano's I highly suggest checking it out, it's delicious! And make a reservation because the wait is crazy long :)
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