I picked up this new shower curtain for the guest bathroom and really like it! Laine is going to hem it for me, but we just haven't had time. It's nice to have two showers when we have visitors. There is a door to the right of the tub that leads into the guest bedroom. This is a view in from the front hallway. And yes, it's green. I just naturally gravitate toward the color green so you will notice that a lot of our house is shades of green and brown.

Sink and towel rack. The flowers on the center towel match the curtain which was a nice surprise since I already had the towel! Our landlord left the flowers and I really liked them, so I figured why not use them?! Eventually I want to get something to put on the walls, but I'm waiting until I find something I really like.

Here is the closet in the bathroom! It's nice to finally have some storage space. And no need to bring towels when you come to visit, we have plenty! Ha :)

This might be one of my favorite things in the house! It's so nice to have a nice big pantry to put stuff in. You will notice that our kitchen isn't huge, so being able to put all of our food and extra stuff in here really helps.

It also has this little area on the right that I put our old microwave stand. I think we may get a bigger shelf at some point.
See you next time for the outside and garage (most likely)!
Love the shower curtain! and I want a pantry :)