You know that saying "with a great rent house comes great responsibilities"? Oh wait, that's not it. I made that one up. But oh well, it's still true and one of those new responsibilities for us is mowing. Now, I've never mowed before and really don't care to learn how, but Taylor has already told me that I will have to. Ha! I'm not really sure why he is making me learn because I know a secret. Want to know what that secret is? The secret is that Taylor REALLY likes to mow! I'm not sure if it's the feeling of accomplishment, smell of a freshly cut lawn, or nice look but Taylor likes to mow, I mean he really enjoys it. So I vote he always mows and I will always vacuum, since that is what I like to do! What do you think? If you could pass this idea along to Taylor I would greatly appreciate it, since my attempts are not working :)

Well, I did have a point before that ramble about my mowing ideas, but now I have forgotten... Oh, wait... I remember! We have started to mow the yard at our house since Ashley already left for CA! The grass grows pretty quickly (especially with all this rain) so Taylor, uh, I mean WE, have started mowing about once a week or so. The yard isn't really that big, which is nice, and we have plans to make a few changes to the house in the next few weeks, so we will be over there anyways. So maybe my real point wasn't to share this new responsibility we have, but to get you on board for the "Jamie Doesn't Have to Mow" campaign! Probably won't happen, but oh well... thanks for thinking of me anyways :)
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