When we left C-U, I asked Taylor how excited he was for the show and this was the picture I got. Ha!

Before the show we went and ate at a Brazilian steakhouse called Brazzaz, which was delicious! Brazilian steakhouses are our favorite type of restaurant and this was one of the best ones we have been to. Not all cities have them, like C-U, so Taylor was excited to get all the meat he wanted!

Sorry these pictures are so blurry! It was freezing outside and Taylor just wanted to get back in the car :)

And yes, I did take a picture of the dryer in the bathroom, because look how cool it is! You just placed your hands down in it, and BOOM, they were dry! The whole restaurant had a really modern feel to it, but all the waiters bringing you the meat looked like Brazilian gladiators or something. It was pretty strange to see the difference! Ha.

Here we are at the show where they performed on the basement stage of the iO theater. This was really cool because a lot of famous comedians like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Chris Farley, Mike Myers, and lots more have performed there too! And it is a really small venue, so they are literally performing right in front of you! I would say there were probably no more than 40 people in the entire room. Also, our friends that live up in Chicago came to the show too, so Taylor got some bro time on his birthday as well!

The show itself is really cool because they improv the ENTIRE thing! So they are just standing up there for an hour making it up as they go and it is so funny. The shows doesn't start until 11pm though, so we got back to C-U around 3am and we were exhausted. I wish we could have just stayed in Chicago that night, but I had to be at work Thursday and Taylor had class :( Sometimes being an adult isn't so much fun! Ha.
So that was Taylor's 23rd birthday present and I think he had a really fun time at the show! And aren't you all proud of me for actually taking pictures? As blurry and dark as they may be :) Hope everyone has a good Friday!
YES! We are proud! We enjoy reading your blog and with pictures too:) Let us know when your all moved, so we can come visit - Ha! See you next month and the first of July...