Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend! Friday night we had poker night over at Laine and Andrew's house and had a lot of fun! Taylor and I haven't played much poker but we both really love card games. We had a lot of fun and Taylor actually ended up winning :) We played until about 1:30 in the morning and by the end of it I was exhausted! I just don't understand how poker players can play for hours and hours and stay focused. So we went to sleep pretty late (early?) that night and had to get up early to go to the stations last tailgate! Woohoo! Let's give 3 cheers for the last tailgate of the season. Haha! They are a lot of fun but it will nice to be able to sleep in on Saturdays now.
After we got back from the tailgate we picked up the house and did some laundry before my family got here! I have been really excited all week for them to come visit since they haven't been here since we moved in July. Even though it was a short visit, we had a really fun time! Lastnight we went and took a tour of the station and then got Olive Garden to go and watched the OK State game at the house. During halftime my dad helped us hang up a bunch of stuff we have needed to hang up for a while!

We got this mantel at Hobby Lobby and I really like it! Now we can hang stocking for Christmas :)

This is a cross I have had for a long time. Eventually we want to get another chair to put in the open space!

And Hobby Lobby has all their decorative crosses on sale so I picked up a few the other day to add to the ones we already had! We don't really want to hang up a lot of stuff since we're not sure how long we will be here, but it just feels homier (not sure if that's a word! ha) with a little on the walls!
My family left about 11:30 this morning and now I am just finishing laundry while Taylor works on homework. We just caught the end of Stepmom and I need to go buy a new box of tissues! That movie makes me cry every time. This evening we are planning on going to a Newcomer's Dessert at the church we have been attending. Laine and Andrew are going as well so it will be nice to meet some people in the church and get to know the pastor and his wife.
We hope you all have a relaxing Sunday! Tomorrow night we are having Thanksgiving dinner with Laine, Andrew, Keith, and our friend Can so I will be sure and post recipes and pictures soon!
We had such a fun time visiting you all this weekend! We love you both!!