Friday, October 28, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Before and After

So this past weekend we finally got around to organizing the garage a little more. We mainly just wanted to hang some stuff up on the walls since the garage is pretty narrow. Here are the before and after pictures...

Left side before


Right side before


Back of the garage before


It's so nice to be able to actually walk through the garage easily now! Hope you're having a great week :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Taylor's Lab

Taylor needed a photo taken of him in his lab the other day, so I thought I would share those with you as well! We weren't exactly sure what kind of photo he needed, so we took multiple ones.

Why do boys not show their teeth when they smile? I will never understand that.

He wanted to take a photo of me to see how it would look.

So now you know where he spends his days :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

I forgot I had taken this photo until I was looking through my phone the other night. A couple weeks ago we had a pretty bad storm come through and after it passed this pretty rainbow was outside our back door. This photo made me smile, so I hope it makes you smile today too!

Have a great Tuesday!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sports, Chicago, and Birthdays

Lately I have been really bad about taking photos, even more than normal, thus my lack of blogging. I did take a few of last weekends activities, so I'll catch you up on what we have been up to...

Did you know that Illinois is the #1 ranked volleyball team in the NCAA and is the only undefeated team in the nation? Also, did you know it's free to go watch them? Well last weekend that's exactly what we did! It was homecoming weekend so the hall (where they play) was completely packed. We showed up about an hour early and I'm glad we did because about 15 minutes after we got there you could hardly find a seat! They are so fun to watch and it's amazing tall they are. Most of the starters are over 6' 2"!

There is a course about an hour and a half south of us called The National that used to be one of my clients at the station. I got to play the course once during the summer and have wanted to take Taylor down there ever since. It's in the middle of a state park so there are lots of trees and the whole course runs along a lake. So last Sunday we finally went down and played!

It was a beautiful day and in the mid-60s all day!

Taylor loves seeing deer on the golf course, so he was in heaven during the round. No joke, we probably saw around 20 deer. I had told him about all the deer I had seen when I played, but I don't think he fully believed me until that day. And they will let you get soooo close to them! Sorry, it's a little difficult to see the deer but it's right in the middle of the picture.

About hole 15 our cart started to slow down and the battery light kept coming on and then going off. We called the clubhouse and they said the cart should make it back. Well, right after you finish 18, you have to drive up this big hill to get back to the clubhouse and of course the cart died. So Taylor ended up pushing it back!

This past week we started a new small group on Wednesday night with our church. We are meeting over at a couples house with about 7 other people and I think we are really going to enjoy the discussions. I also got to go on my first high school visits and college fair on Thursday! I am really enjoying my new job and am so thankful I got this opportunity.

We headed up to Chicago this weekend to see my friend Danielle who was running the Chicago Marathon and hang out with our Chicago friends! We left Friday after work and headed back this morning. Today has been filled with laundry, a Walmart run, a golf round for Taylor, and relaxing.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

P.S. Happy Birthday to my favorite sister-in-law!!! Hope you had a great day Julia! We love you!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

I saw a recipe for pumpkin spice muffins floating around Facebook the other day, and since they only required 2 (yes I said 2!) ingredients, I thought I would give them a try. And our conclusion? Delicious!

They have a really great flavor and stay incredibly moist for multiple days after baking them. All you need is 1 15 oz can of pumpkin puree and a spice cake mix. Mix the 2 together (just use the spice cake mix powder, don't add any eggs or oil, etc) and bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes. That's it! They are so easy and really delicious.

I baked a few of them with brown sugar on top and then added a little cream cheese frosting to some of the plains one, but either way they were all delicious! Taylor never asks for sweets or dessert, but he keeps asking me to heat up a couple muffins. I'll definitely be making these again.

Happy Fall!