Sorry for being MIA the last week, but look what I made last night! Well, with a lot of help from Laine. Ok, ok... Laine did most of it but I ironed the fabric and sewed a couple straight lines :)
I have wanted to get a curtain for the kitchen window for awhile but didn't find anything I really liked. Laine suggested we just make one and since she is really creative/knows how to sew it worked out perfect. I love the way it turned out! It matches some vintage Fiestaware I have in the kitchen as well as a green wall we painted, it's just perfect. I love that I can leave it like this during the day or untie the bows at night and it looks cute hanging. I just love walking into the kitchen now!
This past weekend we got in the car and headed to Tulsa to see one of my good friends Katie get married! I always enjoy getting to spend time with our family and friends, but the 8-10 hours in the car one way (depending on where we are traveling) can really take a toll on you. Luckily, our friend TP road down with us, so we were able to split the drive up a little more. We arrived in Tulsa about 1am and went straight to bed when we got to my parents house!
Saturday morning we ate a nice breakfast and then headed to Enid for the wedding. Katie and I went to high school together and then roomed with each other two years during college. She was even a bridesmaid in our wedding! It was so wonderful to see SOOOOOO many of our college friends there to help celebrate this special day in her life. All my girlfriends haven't been together in way too long so it was nice to spend sometime together!
After the wedding, we headed back home and went to watch some of our family friends, The Massey's, go fishing! It's always a hoot to be around them and it was nice being outside, even though it was a little warmer then we are used too :) Sunday we got up early and headed back to Illinois. My mom let me borrow her copy of "The Help" so Taylor and I alternated reading it aloud on the way home. I am really enjoying it so far, and I even think Taylor liked it! Once after we got back in the car after filling up with gas, I didn't start reading and Taylor said, "Aren't you going to keep reading?" Ha!
We picked up a pizza on the way home and went over to Laine and Andrew's to eat! I was really tired, but it's always so nice to see them :) We are looking forward to staying home this weekend and going to the Sweetcorn Festival!
Also, in honor of Katie marrying Tommy, I will leave you with Trisha Yearwood's song "She's in love with a boy" :) We have been playing this song for her since they started dating. Ha! I love you Katie and we wish you and Tommy the best!
Ok, back to the Tour of Homes! Actually, just one home but you get the picture...
This is the Master Bathroom. There is not much "master" about it if you ask me, but I really appreciate having two full bathrooms in the house.
I haven't found anything I really like for the walls, but I love these new rugs we got! They are super soft and the blue color is girlie but not too girlie for Taylor.
I love all the storage we have now! Before we had one cabinet over the toilet so everything was stored under the sink. Now you can just open the door and everything is eye level.
And yes, I did somewhat organize the cabinet before taking this photo. It is generally one big mess in there.
Well that was the Master Bath! Have a great weekend!
Today, I'm loving that it's Wednesday which means that it is almost Friday which means that the next day (Saturday, if I lost you at this point) one of my best friends Katie gets married!
I'm loving that my birthday is in 16 days! That would be September 2nd if you want to add it to your calendar :) I love birthdays - they might be my favorite holiday!
I'm loving that we can finally sit on our back patio now and not sweat to death! The weather has started to cool down in the evenings and it is so enjoyable to be outside.
I'm loving the encouraging people in my life. Work has been pretty up and down lately, so I'm thankful for prayers and words of encouragement.
Happy Wednesday! Sorry for the lack of pictures. I've been slacking lately :(
This weekend I'm flying into Little Rock to meet my in-laws so we can drive over to a wedding! I started packing last night and my plan is to just take carry on items. I don't want to deal with the hassle or pay for checking a bag! Well, last night I realized that this is what I need to take...
And this is how much of it meets the 3.4 oz limit...
Ha! I went to Walmart and purchased some travel size stuff, but I cannot find travel size face lotion! I looked everywhere and it was no where to be found. So I have decided to just try and sneak my current face lotion through. I know, that's wrong but it's only 3.9 oz so surely they will let it slide? Right, right? Yeah, probably wrong but oh well. It's worth a shot :)
I'm linking up with This Kind of Love again for What I'm Loving Wednesday!
Today,I'm loving shoes! I don't have that many work shoes, so lately anytime we are in a store, at the mall (which is never!), or if I see the word "SALE" I'm looking for shoes. Winter shoes are easy, because you can get away with wearing boots. I'm pretty sure since moving to IL last year, I doubled my boot collection this past winter! But spring/summer/fall is different. I just don't feel like I can ever find something that I love, is comfortable, and I feel ok about paying for.
But here are some shoes that I found recently that look cute, are affordable, and I'm loving, so who knows...
Friday morning Taylor and I played in our local law enforcement charity golf tournament at one of the country clubs. My boss asked me to put together a four person scramble team and no one in the office could play so I ended up asking Taylor, a client, and then one of my client's friends to play. And guess what? We came home with this...
Ha! This is the first time I have ever won a golf tournament! It was such a beautiful day to play (probably the best all year) and our team played very well together. I didn't really know how my client and his friend would play, but they both had a couple pivotal shots and then I was able to help with the forward tee advantage and then Taylor was just Taylor! :) We actually tied with another team, so it came down to a hole by hole comparison and after about 6 holes, we birdied and they pared!
The tournament was a fundraiser for the Breast Cancer Institute at one of our local hospitals. Since starting to raise funds a few years ago, they have raised over $260,000 for cancer research! How awesome is that? And how awesome is all this stuff we came home with! We each received a nice Nike Dri-fit polo, coffee mugs with their signature "Cops of Coffee" logo, 2 huggies, and as an additional prize for winning, we got gift certs to a local tavern in CU called "Bunny's Tavern". It's in downtown CU and we are looking forward to checking it out!
This weekend has been completely filled with golf. Taylor is currently playing in the Twin City Open which allows players to compete at all three of our local country club courses. Today he played at Ch. Country Club and it was so pretty. It was also one of the tightest courses I have ever seen. I think he might have hit his driver twice the whole round; it was all about the irons today. Tomorrow he plays at Lincolnshire so we will see how that goes! He isn't really in contention to win, but I think he has really enjoyed playing the country club courses that he couldn't play otherwise. Hope you're having a great weekend!
So I'm taking a break from the tour for today... I found this blog a couple weeks ago that every Wednesday links up hundreds of blog and they talk about "what they are loving"! I thought this was such a fun idea because you can get ideas for decorating, clothing, meals, books, and so much more. When I actually remember, I think I'm going to try and do this because 1. I think it's a cool idea and 2. It will give me an automatic topic to blog about! So here it goes...
I'm loving Big Brother! It's by far my favorite summertime show and something that my family would always watch together. We still call/text about it afterward! I am completely team vets, specifically Jeff and Jordan!
I'm loving this mirror I saw at an antique shop the other day! I am trying to decide whether I want to buy it or not. What do you think?
I'm loving these chalkboard frames! I want to get one to put on the wall next to our kitchen, I just have to find one I like and is the right color :)
And to be completely cheesy and girly... I'm loving this guy! Even though most of the time he is talking about crazy physics ideas I will never understand :)
So, I guess the tour got a little off track! I'm going to blame life, my laziness at taking photos, my obsession with Big Brother, and let's see... I'm sure Taylor had something to do with it (just kidding)! :) But I'm back on track now and we are continuing with the tour. This is the guest bedroom/storage area for our junk/Taylor's study room/office/where Taylor talks on the phone when I'm watching Big Brother because I'm way too obsessed! The room wears many hats :)
Here is the view from the entry way. And yes, that is our wedding photo. Even after a year, I still haven't had it framed!
View from the guest bathroom.
The storage chest and closet. I would open the door and show you the closet but I would be embarrassed for you to see our piles of junk!
This is the view from the back of the room. You can see how the guest bath connects on the right!
I still need to hang up the curtains and Taylor's Einstein posters, but for some reason we are really bad about hanging stuff up. I noticed it in the apartment and it's a trait that has carried over into the house I guess! Ha.
Hope you enjoyed the room! Now PLEASE come visit!! :)