Last weekend we also made a quick trip up to Chicago to watch the Thunder game! All the boys played basketball against some guys and they won!

Last week was a pretty slow week for us again with nothing very exciting (at least nothing that is coming to mind at this moment!). But this weekend we have actually been pretty busy!

Yesterday I wanted to go see if I could find a couple new work shirts and Taylor said he would go with me. And yes I know what you're thinking and I was surprised as well! Ha. But after a few minutes of being at the mall, I realized why he had decided to come. Every time we go to the mall, Taylor always ends up in one store called Inside Scoops.. the candy store! Taylor has a love for fruity/sour/sugary candy that I will never understand. I mean, if I have a choice between eating a brownie or sour Skittles, I will always pick a brownie. Not Taylor, he wants Skittles or Sprees or Sour Straws! Ha.

Today, our Easter Sunday has consisted of church, a nice lunch with Laine, Andrew and Keith, dying Easter eggs, and playing golf! I told you last time we played that I needed to hit about a million range balls before hitting the course again. Well, I only hit about 30 last week but I actually think it helped because I played surprisingly well! Ha. I thought it was going to be really wet from the rain, but it ended up being a great day. It was cool enough where you didn't really sweat but not so cold you didn't want to be outside.
Well, I'm sure we have had a lot of other things happen in the last week, but these are the only photos I had! :( Hope you had a nice Easter!