Well, once again I am a slacker-blogger. But eventually I always catch you up on our lives, so that counts for something? Right? :)
A couple weekends ago we made a much necessary trip to B'ville to spend some time with Taylor's family and surprise my Dad for his birthday! Laine and Andrew asked us a couple weeks ago if we would be interested in riding back to AR with them, since they are from Fort Smith. We realized we had not been to B'ville since we moved in July so we were both excited to go back. I got off work at 11 Friday and we left around noon. It was nice to have two more people in the car with us to make the 8 1/2 hour trip. Plus, Andrew drove most of the way so I never had to drive!
Friday night we went to eat at Fred's, which is a delicious steak house with the BEST cheesecake. I actually find myself craving their a lot! Saturday, Taylor got up early and went running with his dad. He has been looking forward to running a long run with him for awhile, since while we are training we have to run separately. He is just to fast for me! Ha. After they got back, we ate breakfast and then Taylor and I made a quick trip to Dillard's. I think I have mentioned before we don't have one in C-U, so anytime we are back in AR or OK I try to stop by Dillard's. I picked up some new makeup and then we had to get my dad a b-day present.
After Dillard's, we got to FINALLY go see John David and Julia's new house! And boy is it beautiful! I have decided I want a front door just like theirs. I should have taken some pictures, but I forgot (surprise, surprise!). Seeing their house made us very ready for July when we can move into our rent house. After seeing their house, we headed to the golf course! It had been almost 6 months since we had played, so it wasn't our best rounds ever, but it was a beautiful day and we had so much fun.
They were running short on carts when we got to the course, so we got one of the fancy carts! Ha. Can I tell you how many times I prayed for one of these when it was cold or rainy outside and I was shivering under a tree?

And here is Taylor, back in his natural surroundings! Ha :)

After golf, we headed to Roaring River to surprise my dad for his birthday and eat dinner with my family. We spent the evening just hanging out and headed back to AR around 10. After church Sunday morning, we met Laine and Andrew to head back to Illinois! We made a stop in St. Louis on our way home to get some new running shoes, which Taylor has needed for a while. I wish it always worked out for the four of us to ride back together, because it made the trip seem much shorter!
Well, that was a recap of our weekend a couples weeks ago so I will try and give an update of last weekend soon! My family actually got to come to C-U last weekend and it was really nice to spend some more time with them.
Hope your week has started out well! Taylor is on Spring Break this week so I'm trying to not be jealous, but it's pretty hard! Ha.